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 Theme Pavilions

 Man the Provider

The important Theme Pavilion is on Ile Notre-Dame with transport connection by Minirail. It emphasizes the tremendous challenge to Man to bring about a balance between increasing population and food requirements by increasing agricultural production.

In the beginning, man the Provider spent most of his time hunting and gathering food. Then, gradually through the centuries, he learnedhow to domesticate plants and animals, Thus civilization itself was born, for man was placed in the position where he could produce not only for his own requirements, but provide sufficient surplus to exchange for other articles and services produced by his neighbors.

Thence came trade, and specialization, and industry. Thus agriculture itself became an industry, since products of the soil had to be harvested, tranported, processed, packaged, and merchandised.

On entering the eight-acre site of the pavilion, the visitor sees nine buildings circling an area of land called the Sun-Acre.

The walls of the buildings are huge mounds of earth covered with grass, 30 feet high at the rear of the buildings and sloping inwards towards the center of the Sun-Acre.

Exhibits on the Sun-Acre symbolize man's striving for inscreasing productivity on the farm by measuring yeilds on a standard area.

Live animals are used to show a complete dairy in operation and progress in animal breeding. The poultry section features a completely automatic egglaying plant and a production line of broiler chickens.

( Document: Official Guide of l'Expo 67, Copyright 1967 by Maclean-Hunter Publishing Co. Ltd. )

Man and is World in 1969 - Small World

Color and motion characterize the presentation in this pavilion. It displays buggies and wagons of grand-father's era. There is a stable, sponsored by the Coorpératino Fédérés du Québec, with chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, horses, cows and pigs. There is a fire station containing fire-fighting equipment used by the Montreal fire department at the turn of the century.

Members of the Cercle des Jeunes Naturalistes instill visitors with a better understanding and appreciation of flowers, plants and Canadian mineralogy. There is a miniature circus too.

(Man and his world 1969 - Official Guide - published by the city of Montreal)

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