Expo 67 Map

3D map of "la Cité du Havre"

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Built in the Cité du Havre with a capacity of 25,000 seats, it is sponsored by five Canadian Auto Industry...

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The Place d'Accueil is located in the Cité du Havre and it is the main entrance of Expo 67. This place has three floors. At first we found the bus station...

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The Expo Express was the main transport system for Expo 67. A mini-metro that served four stations on a route of 5.7 km ...

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This rectangular building, which the CBC has built in the Cité du Havre...

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This pavilion is a three-storey building and three wings, each with a particular entry. Senior reliefs by sculptors Canadian decorate vestibutes.

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The aim of the exhibition is not to make the art history in pictures, but rather to demonstrate ...

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The Expo Hall Theatre includes 1.350 and 650 seats in the balcony. It was during the summer, the character of an outdoor theater...

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Do not look here for the usual formula of the show, much less a family album...

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The Jeunesses Musicales pavilion of Canada, whose theme is the Man and Music is located in the Cité du Havre...

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The Hospitality pavilion is a meeting place for women and their families. It is located near the entrance to the Place d'Accueil...

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A separate pavilion was erected for the exclusive use of thousands of businessmen from all parts of the world who visit the Expo 67...

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...A construction financed by the private expresses the dynamism of industrial activity in Quebec...

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This home is the realization of a dream that every member of the Olympic family made one day...

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The intention of Labyrinth, prepared by the National Film Board of Canada, is to tell significantly in a 45 minute film the essential Story of Man...

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When it rains, the drops fall through the open roof into a pound in the center of the pavilion. A garden extends beyond the pavilion's outer well, round the pond and between the exhibit halls...

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Since man first moved out of his caves, he has tested many forms of sherlter: crude huts of muds, tents with skin covers, squared logs and blocks of stone...

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Hovercraft, another transport during the Exhibition of 67, but that one on waters of the river Saint Lawrence allowing for example to go around from the Cité du Havre...

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Click here to go to the map of the St-Helene island.

St-Helene island pavilions:

Belgium, Austria, Netherland, Japan, China, Vermont, Brewers, Iran, Telephone, Scandinavia, Air Canada, Maine, New York, USA, Man the Explorer, Scout center.
Cité du Havre today ( Image by Google Maps )

Click here to go to the comparison page of yesterday and today. Pavilions have disappeared and others are still there.