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 Africa Pavilion - Uganda

Place d'Afrique

Uganda, magnificent country situated in the heart of Africa, extends on both sides of the equator over the African central plateau. He enjoys a magnificent climate, and possesses excellent roads and modern hotels. A modern agriculture and of plentiful natural resources contribute to his economic progress. Coffee, cotton, tea and wood of high quality constitute the main national products, samples of which, as well as native objects of crafts, are exposed in the pavilion of Uganda.

A site natural size allows the visitors to be made an idea of the fact what is a zoological reserve. Alive crocodiles warm to the sun together with tortoises on sandy beaches. Hour by hour bursts a feigned equatorial storm. Some minutes later, the sun starts again shining over the tropical vegetation. It traditional constumes, natives of Uganda feel at your disposal to inform you about the diverse aspects of the life in their country, business, productivity, economy, art, and even about the night-life in Kampala, capital of Uganda.

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