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 Maine Pavilion

Maine's Pavilion, traditional and colonial in appearance, is built with a unique application of modern techniques and materials.

It is on Ile Sainte-Hélène and the nearest transport connection is at the island's Metro station.

From the building and along a landscaped stretch of countryside in the grounds runs the scaled replica of a modern train with a cargo of Maine products. Within the pavilion the trains winds its way through a model industrial communities.

Under the simulated blue sky of the exhibit area of the pavilion is a realistic mountain range with ski trails.

A mountain stream operates the wate wheel of the authentic reproduction of a grist mill and then cascades down spectacular waterfalls through the center of the pavilion.

Revolving islands in each of the three pools show animated illustrations of the recreation that Maine - four seasons' vacation land - offers.

The interior of the grist mill forms a theater where a 15 minute program tells the full story of Maine as a center of recreation and industry.

There is a illustrated and animated geodetic display and showing of the works of Maine artists.

( Document: Official Guide of l'Expo 67, Copyright 1967 by Maclean-Hunter Publishing Co. Ltd. )

Man and is World in 1969 - Locorama

An adventure born in Europe and built around the thrill of a mighty locomotive charging along the rails at full speed awaits the visitor to this pavilion. It tells the story of railroading through a wide variety of exhibits, trains, models and replicas, among them. For a thrilling experience, the visitor can climb aboard a locomotive and roar across the Europeen countryside.

Startling optical and highfidelity acoustical effects, produced in an exact reproduction of the cabof an engine, make the experience true-to-life, the illusion of high speed and great power. The effects is produced largely by a moving landscape, in color and three-dimensional, projected on the windscreen.

(Man and his world 1969 - Official Guide - published by the city of Montreal)

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